At Terappio there are qualified psychologists and psychotherapists. To facilitate communication, we (and often the psychotherapists themselves) call all our specialists psychologists.
But it's important to know the difference!
It's important to know the difference!
1. Psychologist - a specialist who has earned a degree in psychology from an institution of higher education.
A psychologist can provide psychological counseling (short-term help for specific problems) and psychodiagnostic services (tests and evaluations to identify personality characteristics, abilities, and mental status). It also provides recommendations for additional help.
Many psychologists also have additional specialized trainingin certain areas of psychotherapy and may conduct long-term therapy.
2. Psychotherapist - a specialist who has received additional training and practice in one or more methods of psychotherapy.
Psychotherapists use therapeutic techniques to help clients deeply explore their inner world, work through traumas, find strength and balance, understand their emotions, and acquire skills to improve their mental health and overall quality of life.
The psychotherapy process is deeper and longer lasting than counseling. It is aimed at fundamental changes in the client's thoughts, emotions and behavioral patterns.
3. Psychiatrist - a medical doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. Unlike the psychologist and psychotherapist, the psychiatrist can prescribe medication.
The psychiatrist's role includes assessing the patient's mental state, making a diagnosis, and developing a treatment plan, which may include recommendations for psychotherapy.
Generally, the psychiatrist does not perform the therapy itself, but may work in conjunction with a psychotherapist.
4. Coach - professional who helps clients formulate goals and plan steps to achieve them. The coach provides support and motivation at different stages. This specialist usually has specific training in coaching.
In terms of its approach, coaching is quite different from psychotherapy.