Questions and Answers

About psychotherapy and psychologists

What is psychotherapy?

Psychotherapy is a process in which you collaborate with a therapist to improve your psychological well-being and quality of life.

In a safe space of supportive therapeutic relationships, you can safely explore your thoughts, feelings, emotions and behaviors. You gain new knowledge, skills and experiences that you then apply in your life.

Psychotherapy can help you to:

  • Build healthy relationships
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  • Better understand yourself and your needs
  • Find new ways to solve problems
  • Find new ways to solve problems
  • Find new ways to solve problems
  • .
  • Learn how to manage stress more effectively
  • Increase your sense of meaning and fulfillment in life
  • Discover new ways to solve problems
  • .
  • Discover new perspectives and ways of reacting to situations
  • .

How do I know if I need psychotherapy?

People turn to psychotherapy when they feel that something in their life or mental state is not working well.

These may be problems that deeply affect their lives, such as depression, anxiety, consequences of traumatic experiences or crises. But psychotherapy can also help those seeking to achieve greater harmony, peace of mind and discover new meanings.

Here are some signs that psychotherapy may be helpful for you:

  • You feel sadness, anxiety, anger, or other unpleasant emotions on a consistent basis, which affect your daily life.
  • You are facing significant difficulties in your relationships, at work or in other important areas of your life.
  • You have problems with sleep, appetite, or other aspects of your physical health that have a psychological origin.
  • You are using stress coping mechanisms that are hurting you and your health.
  • You have gone through a traumatic event or loss that you find difficult to overcome on your own.
  • You feel that you cannot reach your goals despite your best efforts.
  • You frequently feel lonely, incompetent, or lacking meaning in life.
  • You desire to understand yourself better and live a fuller life.

If you recognize yourself in one or more of these descriptions, psychotherapy can offer valuable tools to improve your well-being.

How is a psychologist different from a psychotherapist, psychiatrist or coach?

At Terappio there are qualified psychologists and psychotherapists. To facilitate communication, we (and often the psychotherapists themselves) call all our specialists psychologists.

But it's important to know the difference!

It's important to know the difference!

1. Psychologist - a specialist who has earned a degree in psychology from an institution of higher education.

A psychologist can provide psychological counseling (short-term help for specific problems) and psychodiagnostic services (tests and evaluations to identify personality characteristics, abilities, and mental status). It also provides recommendations for additional help.

Many psychologists also have additional specialized trainingin certain areas of psychotherapy and may conduct long-term therapy.

2. Psychotherapist - a specialist who has received additional training and practice in one or more methods of psychotherapy.

Psychotherapists use therapeutic techniques to help clients deeply explore their inner world, work through traumas, find strength and balance, understand their emotions, and acquire skills to improve their mental health and overall quality of life.

The psychotherapy process is deeper and longer lasting than counseling. It is aimed at fundamental changes in the client's thoughts, emotions and behavioral patterns.

3. Psychiatrist - a medical doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. Unlike the psychologist and psychotherapist, the psychiatrist can prescribe medication.

The psychiatrist's role includes assessing the patient's mental state, making a diagnosis, and developing a treatment plan, which may include recommendations for psychotherapy.

Generally, the psychiatrist does not perform the therapy itself, but may work in conjunction with a psychotherapist.

4. Coach - professional who helps clients formulate goals and plan steps to achieve them. The coach provides support and motivation at different stages. This specialist usually has specific training in coaching.

In terms of its approach, coaching is quite different from psychotherapy.

How to choose "my" psychologist?

This is an important and very personal decision. Here are some tips to help you in this process:

  1. Education and qualifications. At Terappio, all psychologists have verified training. But if you choose outside our site, make sure the specialist has higher education in Psychology, specialized training in at least one direction of psychotherapy and work experience under supervision.
  2. Trust and comfort. Pay attention to whether you feel you can trust the therapist and whether you feel comfortable talking about your problems and experiences.
  3. Communication. A good psychologist listens attentively, gives space to express yourself, and is open to receiving feedback.
  4. Working with discomfort. If you feel discomfort, first discuss it with the psychologist. Many times, these feelings can be part of the therapeutic process and reflect patterns in your life. If the discomfort persists, it may be necessary to consider changing specialists.
  5. Your intuition. If you feel that the psychologist really understands you and can help you, this is a good sign.

The therapeutic relationship is a partnership. Therefore, don't be afraid to ask questions, express your needs and expectations. A good psychologist is always open to dialogue and willing to adapt his approach to you.

El psicoterapeuta no fue el adecuado. ¿Qué hacer?

This can happen! It is also part of the therapeutic process. We strongly recommend discussing it openly with the psychologist, as this could be a key moment in your collaboration.

If the discomfort persists, ask him/her to refer you to another specialist. The psychotherapist with whom you have already worked with will be best suited to do this.

You can also write to our manager in the messenger. We will help you find another specialist.

About Terappio

How are your specialists integrated into the site's community of psychologists?

Our community is formed primarily on the principle of "professionals recommend professionals".

One of the best indicators of professionalism and reliability of a psychologist are recommendations from colleagues who also prioritize their own reputation.

Psychologists who are already part of our community can recommend colleagues whose skills, experience, and ethical standards they highly value.

However, we do not simply accept these recommendations blindly :) We verify their education, qualifications, professional experience and specializations. Only after this process, the recommended psychologist can join our community.

We also carefully review each psychologist who submits an application to collaborate.

You choose from specialists that their own colleagues consider the best in their field!

Dejé mi solicitud. ¿Cuándo me escribirán?

If you left a request from 9:00 to 21:00, one of our managers will create a group chat with a psychologist in the messenger of your choice within 5 minutes.

If you left a request after 21:00, the chat will be created the next morning.

We recommend that psychologists contact you within 2 hours, but sometimes delays can occur on their part (their work schedule can be quite busy!).

Will my data be safe?

Yes. We take your privacy and the security of your data very seriously. Your contact details will only be used to communicate with the psychologist you have chosen regarding the details of the consultation.

We do not share your information with any third parties.

El terapeuta no me responde/no se ha puesto en contacto. ¿A quién escribir?

If the psychologist does not contact you within 12 hours from the creation of the chat with him, please inform the manager via private message.

Tengo preguntas organizativas. ¿A quién dirigirme?

If you are unable to resolve the problem or misunderstanding directly with the psychologist, you can contact the manager who created the communication chat with your psychologist. We will try to help you.

About payment

How and when is payment made?

You pay the sessions directly to the psychologist, without our intermediation, additional payments or commissions.

We recommend that psychologists request a 50% retainer for face-to-face sessions and a 100% retainer for online sessions. This is necessary to guarantee payment by the client.

However, some psychologists may accept payment after the session.

Payment is made in the most convenient way for both parties. You will be able to discuss this and other issues directly in the chat.

Can I get a refund if I don't like the first consultation or if it did not take place?

We recommend discussing this matter with your psychologist. Psychologists have their own policy regarding cancellation or rescheduling of sessions.

The most common option is the ability to receive a refund or reschedule the session at no additional cost if you reported the changes at least 24 hours in advance.

However, if the session has already taken place or you reported the cancellation less than 24 hours in advance, there is usually no refund.

This is standard practice in the industry, giving the psychologist enough time to adjust his or her schedule and possibly offer that time slot to another client in need.

What is the cost of a session with a specialist?

The cost varies. Each psychologist sets the price of their services in their profile.

That's why at Terappio you can find help that suits your needs and fits your budget.

Why does psychotherapy cost so much?

Becoming a therapist requires a great deal of material, mental and physical effort.

Prolonged training, personal therapy, supervision and continuing education require a significant investment of resources.

Yes, to a large extent the price depends on the experience of the psychotherapist, the number of specializations and courses taken. That is why beginning therapists tend to cost a bit less.

In addition, the therapist regularly pays the rent of the space and acquires the materials necessary for the work. All of these expenses are also included in the cost.

About the sessions and the process

How long does a session usually last and how often should I visit the psychotherapist?

Normally, a session lasts 50-60 minutes.

A session is a 50-60 minutes.

The length and frequency of consultations may vary depending on your situation and the psychologist's recommendations.

Some clients meet with their psychologist weekly, others every two weeks or less frequently. You will be able to discuss the optimal schedule with your psychologist during the first consultation and adjust as needed in the therapy process.

Can I cancel or reschedule a session?

Yes, in most cases you can cancel or reschedule a session.

Each psychologist has their own policy regarding session cancellation/rescheduling. We recommend discussing this directly.

How is the first session conducted?

Typically, the first session begins with an introduction and the establishment of a therapeutic alliance (bond). Your psychologist will tell you about himself, his approach and what you can expect from therapy. You can ask any questions and express your expectations or concerns.

Next, your psychologist may ask you to share your story and the reasons for your consultation. Talk about your current problems, symptoms, living situation and environment. This will help the psychologist better understand your experience and how he or she can help you.

Based on this information, you will begin together to define therapy goals: what you would like to achieve in the sessions. Your psychologist can propose an initial plan and outline possible techniques that may be helpful to you.

During the first session and beyond, your psychologist will actively listen to you, show empathy and validate your experience. He or she will create a safe and supportive space where you can freely explore your thoughts and feelings.

The first session is just the beginning. Building trust takes time. Don't worry if you don't feel an immediate connection or significant breakthrough, that's completely normal.

Is everything I say in the session confidential?

Yes. One of the psychologist's tasks is to organize a space where the client feels safe. And confidentiality is an important component of this issue.

According to the psychotherapy code of ethics, everything that happens in a session with the client is. strictly confidential. The simple fact of the meeting between the client and the psychologist, as well as everything that occurs in these sessions, must not leave the psychotherapist's office.

The personal decision to keep the fact of working with a psychologist confidential or not is solely up to the client.

Sometimes, the psychologist may discuss the client's case with his or her supervisor, without mentioning first and last names. This aspect is agreed upon with the client. This helps the psychologist work with you more effectively. In this case, the rules of confidentiality also apply to the supervisor.

But there is one exception: confidentiality is not maintained in cases of criminal offenses committed by the client, threats to the life or health of the client or third parties. In these situations, the psychologist will be obliged to contact the relevant authorities.

Quiero terminar la terapia. ¿Cómo lo hago?

Ending therapy is a natural and important part of the therapeutic process.

If you feel you are ready for this stage, the best way to do so is to discuss your decision directly during the session.

Psychologists value openness and honesty. They are always willing to support you through this transition. They will be happy to discuss your reasons for ending therapy, evaluate your progress and discuss any outstanding questions.

They can also offer additional resources or recommendations to support your well-being after ending therapy.

About online and face-to-face therapy

Which is more effective: online or face-to-face psychotherapy?

The choice between online and face-to-face therapy is a personal one. It depends on your preferences, the specificity of your situation and the working style of each psychologist.

Some people value the flexibility and accessibility of online therapy, which allows them to receive support regardless of their location. Numerous studies confirm its efficacy for a wide variety of problems.

Others prefer the personal presence, live contact and nonverbal communication that face-to-face therapy offers.

The key factor of effectiveness in both cases is the quality of the therapeutic alliance: the trusting and collaborative relationship between you and your psychologist.

At Terappio you have the freedom to choose the format that best suits your needs: online or face-to-face.

Where does the online meeting with the psychologist take place?

Terappio is a website where you can find your psychologist. But it is not a platform for online sessions:)

Online meetings with our psychologists are conducted on platforms that meet the highest standards of data security and privacy.

Most of our specialists use popular services such as Zoom, Skype or Google Meet.

Once you arrange an online consultation with the selected psychologist, he/she will provide you with all the necessary information: which service will be used, how to create an account (if necessary), how to join the meeting, etc.

We recommend conducting the online sessions in a private and quiet place, where you feel comfortable and can talk freely.

If you have any technical questions when connecting to the online session, feel free to contact your psychologist.

What if I prefer face-to-face meetings?

We are not limited to a single meeting format. If you prefer face-to-face sessions, many of our psychologists see clients in offices in different cities.

You can filter psychologists by location and consultation format to find the ideal option for you.

On the personal development of psychologists

What is supervision?

Supervision are meetings between psychologists and more experienced colleagues, during which they receive support, feedback and guidance on their work.

Supervision is not casually called "the therapy of therapy," as it is the significant and valuable core of any professional training in psychotherapy. Today, supervision has become synonymous with mentoring.

When a future psychologist completes his or her studies and undertakes mandatory therapeutic practice, it is necessary for someone to supervise to ensure that he or she does no harm either to himself or herself or to his or her clients.

The supervisor analyzes the psychologist's individual skills, style and methods of working with the client. The supervisor seeks to resolve problems and difficulties that arise during the session and, if necessary, directs the psychologist to individual therapy.

The supervisor shares his or her perspective of the situation, offers additional insight, facilitates finding ways to help the client with his or her request, and supports the psychologist.

Regular supervision not only improves skills, but also prevents professional burnout.

What is the psychologist's personal therapy?

First of all, psychologists are people like any other, who also go through difficult stages in life and crises. They also need help, support and turn to their psychotherapists.

Second, personal therapy for the psychologist is a mandatory component of his or her professional training.

On the one hand, it includes learning how to conduct therapy. On the other, it provides experience as a client, which involves:

  • Knowing the limits and resources of the personality
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  • Working behavioral patterns
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  • Develop sensitivity to the elements of the psychotherapeutic process.
  • To foster a deep understanding of psychotherapeutic practices.
  • To resolve personal issues
  • Work through personal limitations that affect the success of independent psychotherapeutic activity.

Thirdly, the psychologist's main tool is his own personality. Therefore, he/she needs to constantly improve this tool and make sure that it is in "operational state".

For this reason, qualified psychologists receive regular personal therapy to prevent professional burnout.

Will the psychologist's life experience help?

We answer right away that the psychologist will not give you advice or teach you how to live :)

Some may think that it is necessary to go to a psychologist who has personally experienced a similar problem and can now tell others how to do it.

But the psychologist's job is to help you find your own way to solve problems.

It is true that some psychologists may base the presentation of their services around a specific spectrum of problems because these are personally familiar to them or are within their area of professional expertise.

However, other psychologists may also work effectively with these problems.

Do you have any remaining questions?

We will respond quickly!
