Rita de Kassia Pereira Ribeiro

Individual therapy - $100
Adolescent therapy - $100

2 years of experience: Emotional breakdowns, Parting and loss, Low self-esteem, Anxiety and insomnia

Invitation from Administration

Sou uma mulher de 48 anos, casada a 33 anos, tenho 3 filhos, gosto muito de música, arte, cinema,teatro, boa leitura, atendo o público adolescente e adulto, atuo na abordagem da Terapia Cognitiva comportamental.

Situações de crises de ansiedade, irritação constante , falta de sono, ou sono em exesso, compulsividade alimentar, ideações suicidas, stresses, perde de interesse em atividades de rotina, perda de interesse escolar, depressão pós parto, choro constante, sexualidade, crises de humor.

Graduação em psicologia na universidade Anhanguera, curso de extensão em Terapia Cognitivo Comportamental concluída na Metacognitivo, pós graduação em neuropsicologia em andamento na Famesp

Client reviews:

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7 years of experience: Depression and apathy, Low self-esteem, Anxiety and insomnia, Loneliness

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Adolescent therapy - $140
Family therapy - $150
Individual therapy - $150

2 years of experience: Relationship difficulties, Depression and apathy, Burnout at work, Anxiety and insomnia

City.brazil.sao-paulo , Cidade Dutra, Avenida Senador Teotônio Vilela, 1617


Individual therapy - $100
Adolescent therapy - $100

2 years of experience: Relationship difficulties, Emotional breakdowns, Low self-esteem, Anxiety and insomnia

City.brazil.sao-paulo , Jardim Tropical, Rua Doutor Plauto Guimarães Reif, 576


Individual therapy - $100

2 years of experience: Obsessive thoughts, Depression and apathy, Anxiety and insomnia, Fears and phobias

City.brazil.sao-paulo , Indianópolis, Alameda dos Arapanés, 120

Guilherme Henrique

Individual therapy - $100
Adolescent therapy - $100
Child therapy - $100

1 years of experience: Depression and apathy, Meaning of life, Anxiety and insomnia, Fear of death

City.brazil.sao-paulo , Tatuapé, Rua Tuiuti, 2613


Individual therapy - $100
Adolescent therapy - $100

2 years of experience: Relationship difficulties, Emotional breakdowns, Depression and apathy, Overweight

City.brazil.sao-paulo , Vila Gomes Cardim, Rua Serra de Botucatu, 441


Individual therapy - $110
Adolescent therapy - $110

6 years of experience: Emotional breakdowns, Depression and apathy, Adolescent psychology, Panic attacks

City.brazil.sao-paulo , Bela Vista, Rua Araújo Guimarães , 60


Individual therapy - $100
Adolescent therapy - $100

1 years of experience: Emotional breakdowns, Low self-esteem, Meaning of life

City.brazil.sao-paulo , Vila Dom Pedro II, Rua Vinte e Quatro de Dezembro, 102

$100 for one session

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